Introduce of Eight Notes or Quaver Notes

Eight notes or quaver notes receives ½ beat that’s why it takes two eight notes to make one beat.
So two eight notes or quaver notes are join by a beam to for play in one beat.
Please see the below pictures for better understand.

 Quaver Note Symbol
Eight Note or Quaver Note
1/2 Beat

two quavers joined together
Two Quaver Notes Join With a Beam
1 Beat

Eight notes or quaver notes exercises

Quaver Notes Music
Lesson 1 of Eight Notes or Quaver Notes

Lesson  2 for Eight Notes or Quaver Notes

 Play eight note or quaver note exercise until you can play it without hesitation.
Remember that when you play eight notes or quaver notes then always play
alternative picking,that means down and up strokes, always play down stroke
first then up strokes, its very important practice it daily until you get total control
on it and play slowly and in rhythm. Always use the correct finger for the each