Key Signature

Key signature is a set of sharp flat and natural symbols placed on staff in musical notation. Key signature are written just after the treble clef beginning of the notation. They can also written in other part of the notation after the double bar line. Key signature means the particular note should be played higher or lower than the corresponding natural notes and its continue till the end of the notation or up to the next key signature. The sharp symbol on a line or space means that particular note in all three octave should be played one semi tone high from the natural note that means if the sharp symbol is written on fifth line that is F note then you have to play F# in the notation and that is also called Scale G major. If sharp symbol is written on Fifth line that is F note and third space that is C note then you have to play all the F and C note sharp in the notation,
and that is called Scale D major.
The flat symbol on a line or space means that particular note in all three octave should be played one semi tone lower from the natural note. If the flat symbol is written on the third line that is B note that means you have to play Bb in the entire notation and that is called Scale F major.

If the flat symbol is written on third line that is B note and forth space that E note
that means you have to play Bb and Eb
that is called Bb major scale.
If there is no key signature that means all notes are played on their normal position or natural that called Scale C major. In C major scale there is no sharp or flat note.
If any others note should be played sharp or flat except key signature in any notation then the sharp or flat symbol should written before the particular note.

Quaver Rest Music
Quaver Rest Lesson

Practice this lesson properly and read the notation correctly and always use the correct finger for each notes