Introduce of The Basic Chords

Definition of  Chord

More than one note playing in proper harmony, that is called chord.

Basic Chords

Major  Chords - C, G, D, E etc

Minor Chords - Cm, Dm, Em etc

Seventh (Dominant) - C7, D7, E7 etc

Only latter means Major Chord
Small latter (m) means minor 
and (7) means seventh
You will see more seventh chord later like CM7, this  is called major seventh
Cm7, this is called minor seventh. These seventh are note come in basic chords
This is come on advance position.

Here i will give you four basic chords shape on nut position.
Others chords will be introduce later step by step.

C major chord
C Major Chord

G7 chord guitar
G7 Chord

D7 chord on guitar
D7 Chord

G major chord
G Major Chord

Number - Number means which finger is to be place.

Dot - Dot means which fret have to be push.

0 - 0 means that string should be played open.

X - X Means that string should not be played.

At first follow the instruction on chord shape and play it properly.
Remember all string should be sound clearly.

Here i am give a small exercise of these four chords practice 
it daily until you are gripping the chords correctly and play 
with clear sound and remember always play in steady rhythm 
and you have to change the chord from one to another on beat.


Play the each chord four times then change to next chord and change should be on beat.Repeat this several times until you gate total control on it.