Major Scale Formation 


In music theory scale is a set of musical notes arranged by frequency or pitch.
In scale ordered by increasing pitch is ascending scale and scale ordered by decreasing pitch
is descending scale.

Major Scale Formation

Major scale are build blocks for music. Major scales is a specific form or formula of whole step or full tone and half step or semi tone intervals. Major scales and the key signature they generate have to be learned and you have to be memorized.

Major scale Formula

Full tone, full tone, semi tone, full tone, full tone, full tone, semi tone.
Try this formula starting form any note follow this pattern you can easily build
any major scale .

Major scale table

Full tone    Full tone  Semi tone    Full tone    Full tone     Full tone    Semi tone

Memorized this formula for build the major scale

Here you will see scales are come from natural scale to
One sharp scale , two sharp scale, three sharp scale, four sharp scale five sharp scale,
Six sharp scale.
After that the flats scales come in same process like one flat scale, two flat scale,
Three flat scale, four flat scale, five flat scale.

Sharp Scale Table                Sharp                              Scale 

C  D  E  F  G  A  B  C                    No sharp                               C major 

G  A  B  C  D  E  F#  G                 One sharp                              G major 

D  E  F#  G  A  B  C#  D               Two sharp                              D major 

A  B  C#  D  E  F#  G#  A            Three sharp                              A major 

E  F#  G#  A  B  C#  D# E            Four sharp                              E major

B  C#  D#  E  F#  G#  A # B         Five sharp                              B major

F#  G#  A# B  C#  D#  E#  F#      Six sharp                                F# major

(There is no E# in music but maintain the formula here written E# here E# means F)

Flat Scale Table 

F  G  A  Bb  C  D  E  F               One flat                                  F major 

Bb  C  D  Eb  F  G  A  Bb           Two flat                                 Bb major 

Eb  F  G  Ab  Bb  C  D  Eb         Three flat                               Eb major

Ab  Bb  C  Db  Eb  F  G  Ab       Four flat                                Ab major

Db  Eb  F  Gb  Ab  Bb  C  Db     Five flat                                Db major 

Memorized these scales with the notes.